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update news  for Hungary

Mr. Tibor Horvath


 The Poor Peoples Colour Party.

rolls out his  Party's manifesto.





First Wandering

Since the change of regime, 25 years have passed in Hungary. In 1990, the country was freed from Soviet rule and stood on its own. Society received the freedom with great enthusiasm and expectation and trusted that within the foreseeable future we could reach the level of development of Western states. In a free election, a new political elite was at the head of the country. It was their job to support society. Relatively quickly the breakdown of the socialist state and economy took place, the former public property was in the hands of foreign and domestic private owners and all the conditions were set for getting closer to the expected prosperity.
The first 10 years are successful, especially after the economic adjustment after 1995, the economy has strengthened. However, since 2001, there has been a significant change in the management of the country. The economical, stimulating, investment-inspiring economy was replaced by a consumption-driven, wasteful economic governance model, deceiving the nation's population. As a consequence, hundreds of thousands have dared to recruit foreign currency loans, in the knowledge that the rate of exchange will be maintained. The promise of the 13th and 14th months of retirement also created the appearance of decades that everything is all right. Unfortunately, it was at least as unsustainable as the Goulash communism in Kádár.
Second Courage

The beginning of the 2000s, however, was a historic event: Hungary became a Member State of the European Union, which the vast majority of society received with an explosive enthusiasm. To the EU, accession to NATO has been the only acceptable foreign policy decision of the last 100 years, as both our vulnerable, small, open economy and our country's security have long been secured. Like our new entry-level Member States, our country has also received many thousands of billions of HUF funding and can continue to receive it. The expectation of EU membership has given new impetus to Hungarian society.
The World Economic Crisis that explodes in 2008 is a great deal for Hungary


in a vulnerable state and again the state bankruptcy threatened our country, which could only be avoided by foreign loans and another economic restraint. The extremely malicious country management following the post-election period of 2010 has resulted in almost hopeless situations. The abolition of the democratic constitution and the future change of the rule of law, called the Basic Law, of Fidesz's power to cast concrete, will only be possible after an overwhelming opposition victory. In the last 5 years, a real dictatorship is being built, with very conscious, thoughtful and modern methods, the elimination and elimination of which will be extremely difficult, especially as voters' confidence, faith is lost and slow retirement is experienced in the new order.
Third Courage

Nowadays, 4 million people are living in poverty in Hungary, nearly half a million of our compatriots fleeing abroad are nearly as large a loss as we lost their lives during World War II, even lucky that they were at least alive and "only" had to flee their homeland.
In such a situation, what can a political party promise? What goals can you put before the voters? Is it possible to send another unbeatable promise to our country's residents? The Colorful Hungary Party offers an alternative that is feasible, accessible and realistic. We do not promise you a miracle, but that we consider the elimination of social differences as the most important, the achievement of which we believe to be realistic within a few years.

Which country do you want? This is what our countries have emigrated to hundreds of thousands of our compatriots in recent years. West-type, free and viable country, where no one has to fear no matter what color your skin is, what kind of church it is or does not go or what its gender identity is. We want a country where the leaders of the country are not masters of the country, but in the good sense of the word, where the economy is not governed by corruption but the intention of a decent construction. A country that is a stable and trusted partner of other European Union member states that deserves and deserves respect. Unfortunately, in the last few years we have come very far from this ideal.


1. Creation

By introducing the basic law imposed by Fidesz, Hungary lost its constitution and formulated the most important social rule in the interests of the Fidesz elite. The Color Hungary Party considers the restoration of the country's constitution and the re-proclamation of the Republic of Hungary as the first and most important task. Without this, almost no substantive change can be made in our country.
 2. Economic reform

A) Never again socialism, never again state capitalism, never again dictatorship. Based on international experience it can be concluded that state-controlled free market economy is the only real possibility for the development of our country. The country needs to "reshape" the working capital, the investors. Of course, we consider not only the investments of foreign investors important but also the Hungarians, since in the past 10 years we can see that Hungarian entrepreneurs are reluctant to invest in the Hungarian economy, they prefer to spend their money in offshore paradises.
In order to reinvigorate investment, one thing is absolutely necessary: ​​predictable, competitive tax policy. Investor decisions on job-creating investments are also in competition with the market, where the investor goes where he can start investing with high security, favorable cost and good infrastructural conditions. Hungary's central location provides a serious competitive advantage when it comes to attracting investors. This competition must be taken very seriously, as the only way out of the crisis is to strengthen the competitive sector and strengthen export activity. The opportunity and expectation of public support for new investments is the development of a system of training and retraining courses for the preparation of new jobs.


B) EU funds can give a huge boost to the Hungarian economy by 2020. The protectionist activity of the current government, however, provides a very limited range of companies with access to the funding of applications, whose revision and confiscation is necessary. Stop corruption and start a bid for equal opportunities is a basic requirement. By eliminating corruption, the resource that can be directed to the economy can reach hundreds of billions of dollars per year. In the EU tenders, we want to pay particular attention to ensuring that the obligation to create and maintain a job obligation is met.


C) The protection of private property must be re-sanctified and inviolable. In the last 5 years, both businesses and individuals have been hit by a lot of losses. It is also impossible to list the victims of state robbery: private pension fund members, traffickers, savings co-operatives, landowners, etc.
3. State Reform

The size of the now centrally-sized, densely populated state should be radically reduced. The 5 level administration (municipal government, district offices, county governments, regional centers, ministries), which is typical of the largest countries, should be abolished and converted into three levels. This, of course, involves the disappearance of many thousands of jobs in the short term, but as most people in this huge system do not profit, they only cost money, so maintaining it is meaningless. The well-trained workforce released here must be absorbed by the competitive sector.
The ministries should be restored to the previously established structure. There is a need for Ministries of Education, Health, Internal Affairs, Justice, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Economy and Defense, each ministry being headed by a Minister and two Secretary of State and a maximum of 4 Deputy State Titles. Accordingly, the number of ministries can be radically reduced. When selecting and introducing senior officers, a wealth assessment covering the whole family of the candidate is to be maintained, on which a much more transparent wealth assessment is based. Officials who make "mistakes" during their investigation can not hold their post, should immediately resign.

4. Minority Affairs

The Color Hungary Party considers the protection of minorities to be of paramount importance. In the territory of Hungary, in the course of history, a great many people turned for a shorter period of time. Determining the majority and the minority is also a serious problem, since the Hungarians considered to be the majority are not considered to be unified, since during the centuries, Cossacks, Jászas, Székelys, Settlers, etc. all dissolved in society. Nowadays, the concept of minority is primarily used to distinguish the Roma. Separation of Gypsies in previous periods was largely due to their lifestyle, they did not assimilate into the majority society during their continuous migration, their settlements became commonplace only in the 20th century. The catching up and development of the Roma is one of the most important


5. Education

Taxpayers' money should be made more efficient. Reform is not a constraint on all sides. The Color Hungary Party attaches special importance to the issue of education. In vain, we will hopefully have more and more working capital after the resignation of the Fidesz government, unless there is a well-trained and well-trained workforce who could occupy new jobs. Training and retraining are of great importance. Where a new investment starts, it is time to start training and teaching the prospective employees of the future job. The state has to bear this cost. Compulsory education must be increased to 18 years, preventing disadvantaged students from falling off.

Of course, general and secondary education should also be arranged. KLIK must be abolished, schools should be returned to the maintenance municipalities, who should be given the right to decide on the issues of education for children, the source of the training for good quality education. In primary schools, the development of children living in disadvantaged backgrounds should be a priority. At the micro-regional level, the system of residential schools and convergence schools should be gradually developed. Particular emphasis should be placed on the involvement of low-educated parents in the education of their children's educational situation, where possible, the training and further training of parents should be resolved even in the context of joint training programs with their children


6. Healthcare

According to statistical data, the health status of the country is among the army drivers within the EU, but there is a serious downturn in comparison to the beginning of the 2000s. This problem is particularly affected by disadvantaged areas. There are settlements where the ambulance can not go, there are not a general practitioner in hundreds of settlements, hospitals can not provide the patients with adequate meals, medicines, life-saving surgeries can not be guaranteed immediately, long queues, hospitals are huge, is undeniably low - no wonder that a lot of healthcare workers are looking for success abroad. This condition can not be maintained. The basic provision of the state must be provided for everyone, but it must also be encouraged by the public to do everything to preserve and maintain their own health.


7. Social care

In today's Hungary, millions of people are living in extreme poverty, so eliminating it is our basic claim. Public work is nothing but conditional aid. This should not be maintained in its present form as it is more difficult to break out than it would have been. It is common knowledge that public work does not produce value, the state distributes taxpayers' money in a humiliating way, keeping the employees in it almost slavishly. Of course there is no solution without real jobs, but the system of public work needs to be reformed. In our opinion, a contribution lower than the wage-earner's income and a voluntary re-training program that takes into account local labor market opportunities can be far more effective as this will be a real alternative to poverty eruption. Whoever, however, decides on public work, and the local self-government establish a non-profit employment agency. Particular attention should be paid to the care of children in the social care system. No child can starve, every child

must have the necessary conditions for their development. The family allowance system needs to be changed so that it can really provide the care of the children.


8. Fair Taxation!

In Hungary, despite all government propaganda, taxes have not decreased. The rate of general sales tax in the world is the highest, but it is unprecedented for the penalties imposed on service sectors. These taxes, the unpredictability in the tax system, results in the fact that working capital is escaping from the country, which is noticeably reducing tax revenues. This needs to be changed, special taxes have to be abolished, VAT has to be reduced, especially with regard to products and services related to food prices and child rearing. Personal Income Taxes need to be changed to multiple lane so that our higher income compatriots can take a proportionately larger share of the public burden. We believe it is important for every social group to participate in public spending, not to call our poorer compatriots a parasite. Make every citizen proud taxpayer. The burden on businesses needs to be reduced, priority should be given to the creation of new jobs and the retention of existing jobs, training and further training of the workforce


9. Pension, disability pension

It has to be seen that the current pension system is not sustainable even in the medium term, as the basis for the sustainability of the pay-as-you-go pension system is that the contributions of the active workers are distributed among the pensioners. As the population of the population is constantly decreasing, the number of retired people increases, so maintaining the current system does not allow the payment of pensions. In any case, intervention is needed. The increase in the retirement age can not be avoided in the medium term and self-care is very important, one of the important institutions of which private pension funds have been decomposed by Fidesz, but new governments need to restore a multi-pillar system of self-help, including insurance companies . Another major disadvantage of the current government is the disruption of the invalidity pension system, through the humiliation and elimination of many sick people. It is an important task here, and will have the duty of the next democratic


10. Foreign Policy

In previous centuries, Hungary has been in a difficult, vulnerable position due to bad decisions, alliances, military goals. It must be seen that the Hungarians are "Islanders" in Central and Eastern Europe, we do not have language roles, we have touched ourselves in the course of history, and even during the Hungarian conquest, we have been opposed to our harassment. Nevertheless, during the Reformation, and then during the Revolution of 1848, the appreciation and love of Europe was attained. The proof of this is the concept of Hungarian hospitality, which suggests that there is goodness and generosity in the heart of our nation. The freedom fight of recent years is again a shame, so it is very important to revive old, traditional values in foreign policy. We must cultivate good relations with all peoples and nations, but never forgetting that the value system of the European Union is used as a benchmark.government to solve the life situation of the disabled on the basis of European examples, restoring the former invalid law


11. Press and freedom of opinion!

The Fidesz government has appropriated the media because they believe that ordinary people are so stupid that they do not come to look stupid. This is not the case and it is proven by this that almost no one sees the channels of public media set up in billions of billions. We want to reduce the public support for public media to a fraction and we want to transform the program structure in the way it was at the time of the regime change, since 25 years ago it was possible to see more freely and better programs in the Hungarian Television and Radio. In the distribution of other radio and television frequencies, true competitive neutrality must be applied so that no political force can dominate. The honor of the journalistic profession needs to be restored, and the prestige of a journalist alliance in this prestige can be a serious task.


12. Strengthening civilian movements

In the years of 2010, civil movements have boldly raised their voices against the activities of the centralizing state. This critical tone is very important in restoring the system of brakes and counterweights. Involving civilians in decision-making processes and monitoring is a very important goal. This can be a guarantee of eliminating corruption. Civilian volunteer inspectors will monitor all important decisions, such as members of the audit committees in condominiums. Our common values, the protection of our wealth is of utmost importance.


The next parliamentary election will normally be in 2018. According to the rules of the Fidesz Basic Law, democratic opposition can only be won if there are no more candidates in one place 106, only one, the most powerful candidate. It follows that the democratic opposition must agree on the candidates in the pre-election period, ie a coalition agreement should be concluded before the elections. There are several ways to do this, with multilateral arrangements, pre-selection, last-minute rebates, etc.
The Color Hungarian Party wishes to participate in the preparation of this preliminary alliance. We believe it is important for them to be authentic, honest, well-versed professionals in the forefront of ministries and state offices. Among our members and sympathizers we will be conducting public opinion about the politicians and professionals they would like to see in leading positions. If the electorate brings our party to the parliament, we take everything to make the most popular candidates become leaders, regardless of which democratic party or organization they are members of.
In addition to ministers and state executives, we want to set up a changing, personalized civilian advisory board who is required to periodically monitor the decisions of previous periods. These councils write a report to the House of Representatives, assisting the government in its request.
We want to make it possible to make a regular statement about every decision, every state budget, which anyone can track on the Internet. We want to make every state body report annually on its revenues and expenditures.


The colorful Hungarian nation deserves more than what it has received from its bona fide superiors in the past ten years. It is time for all our compatriots to raise their heads and to live their life in their country as proud Hungarian and European citizens.
We ask everyone who agrees with our descriptions to contact us, help us work.

President: Tibor Horváth
Anikó Csupor, vice-president
Bureau members:
Nagyné Rácz Tünde member of the board Login here can be contacted by Gyula Berzy Party Director: 06706496057




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