A few years ago Roman were granted the right to inclusion, here we are a few years down the line still looking for this inclusion.
Roma Gypsy children feel ailienated and isolated in main stream schools.
Roma Gypsy children have described how they a bullied and called names by the other non Roma Gypsy children,Even some teachers have shown their distain of having Roma Gypy children in the class. Now I for one would have thought that a" Teacher" a person who gets paid to "Educate" All children no matter what their ethinticity would not let their own personal feelings come before the educating of a child no matter what colour, race or creed they are.
So how an we change it and work towards inclusion? EDUCATION: That's how, These young children are our next generation so we teach them about the true ways of the Roma Gypsies, Our History, Culture and traditions, Let us teach them the ways of an Ethnic group they do not really know, except for what they have heard from Familly, friends and what they have seen on T.V or in Local and National newspapers, Even the internet has become a platform for anti Roma Gypsy and Traveller Groups, Face Book and Twitter have got more than their fair share of Roma Gypsy and Traveller haters.
INCLUSION: is a two way street, it's about give and take, sharing information together to help both sides to understand eachother, We will never obtain full inclusion if we keep everyone at arms length.
That's why an educational programe is beng designed to help non Roma Gypsy , Traveller Children get to know the Community better but it is not just for the children, The project under the title of :" Knocking down walls of hate and building bridges of hope" Will also offer the Adult non Roma Gypsy Traveller Comunity a chance to learn and come to know our Ethnic Community better.
It is hoped that by visiting schools and holding Open days and " Pleased to meet you Nights" we can work towards a better understanding of the Culture and Traditions of the Roma Gypsy and Traveller Lifestyle.
It is hoped that other organisations from the Roma Gypsy and Traveller Community will organise their own "Knocking down walls of hate and building bridges of hope" Projects in their own areas.
If we work together we can combat race hate and obtain the "Inclusion" we were promised all those years ago.
For further information on the "Knocking down walls of hate and building bridges of hope project" please contact:
Subject: Education Program.