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Part 1





For years stories have been told about The Kennedy family and how their  ANNCESTORS  were cursed by an old Gypsy woman.


The story goes  back to when the Kennedy Family were in Ireland and were Farm and land owners there, according to the story one of the Kennedy boys a son of Joe Kennedy's Great Great Grandfather had his way with a young Gypsy girl, whose family had set up camp in one of the Kennedy's fields.


The girls Father and Grandmother turned up at the Kennedy's home and demanded compensation from the head of the House for what had happened to  the gypsy girl. But Kennedy was not going to pay for his sons crime and came out with his rifle and ordered the family off his land.


It was said that as they left the field they had to pass by the fine house and the old Gypsy woman stood at the big open gates and shouted her curse. The curse was that "every male that bore the Kennedy name from that day would die a violent death."


It was not long after the encounter with the old Gypsy that the Kennedy family emigrated to America where a new "Dynasty" was born. Lets take a look at the history of the Kennedy family and see if it really was an Old Gypsy's curse that brought so much tragedy into the Kennedy Family.


The Kennedy family was considered, "The Royal Family" of America. A powerful family, loved and admired by the American people. It would not be long before "the Kennedy curse" would strikeout at the family.


Starting with Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr; the father of the future President of the United States of America, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK). Lets take a look at how the "curse" ravage their family.


Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr was the man who was responsible for the family's rise to power. He held a high level position in the Democratic Party and in the Irish Catholic Church / Community in America. He also ran a successful business earning his fortune by buying and merging several movie studios in Hollywood. He also imported and distributed alcohol after prohibition, although rumour had it that he was one of the main bootleggers during the prohibition years.


Numerous rumours circulated that the senior Kennedy had worked alongside members of organised crime (the mob) and was part of the bootlegging operations of the time. Frank Costello, who was a mob figure, stated that he helped make Joe Kennedy rich.


Joe Kennedy launched his political career during this time. He became a close adviser to the then President, Franklin D Roosevelt, gaining the appointment as Inaugural Chairman of the U.S.  S.E.C. "Securities and Exchange Commission.


He later became the Ambassador of the U.S in the United Kingdom. A position that allowed him to form ties with the British Nobility. He was also witness to the early stages of World War II.


Joseph Kennedy was born into a high profile political family of East Boston.

In 1914 he married Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald, who was the eldest daughter of the then Boston Mayor, John Francis Fitzgerald. The marriage joined together two of the city's most prominent political families.


As Joe Kennedy's wealth and power grew, he formed associations with the likes of the Rothschild's and William Randolph Hearst, who was a newspaper mogul and would later help launch John F Kennedy's political career.


Joe had also become part of several "Elite" groups like the Knights of Malta and the Pilgrim Society which surrounded itself in a shroud of secrecy and has various high powered families within its membership, including the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, J.P. Morgan and British Royals. It also has  heads of various other organisations  like The Skull and Bone Society, Freemasons, Knights Templar, Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank, executives from several major corporations and companies alongside several media moguls. The Pilgrim Society is widely considered to be the most influential "Elite Group" in existence.


During his time as Ambassador in Great Britain, Joe Kennedy became good friends with the British Royal Family and in 1944 on the 6th of May, his daughter Kathleen married William Cavendish, who was the Duke of Devonshire. The Duke was also The Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, which was the governing body for the majority of Freemasons in England, Wales, United States and the Commonwealth.

The marriage saw Kathleen Agnes Kennedy become known as, The Marchioness of Hartington, as her husband also held the title of, The  Marquis of Harrington. The marriage was short lived when the Duke, a serving Major of the British Army, was killed by a sniper on the 9th September 1944, at age 26 in Heppen Occupied Belgium. One month after the death of the Duke, Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr was killed in action on 12th August 1944. He was the eldest son of Joe and Rose Kennedy and the one Joe Sr had aspirations of becoming President of the United States. His daughter Kathleen, now a widow, died 4 years later in a plane crash in Saint-Bauzile, Ardeche France on May 13th 1948. She was 28.


After his daughters death it is said that Joe Kennedy made the following statement:

 “If Kathleen and her husband were living, I’d be the father of the Duchess of Devonshire (first Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen) and the father-in-law of the head of all the Masons in the World.”


Joseph Kennedy's hopes of becoming a Presidential Candidate were dashed when the threat of a Nazi invasion became known. He stated at the time, “Democracy in Great Britain is finished,” adding, “the battle for Britain is not about democracy, that is all bunk.”


Kennedy was apparently caught sympathizing with Hitler and his Nazi movement. He had also been quoted professing various Anti-Semitic statements while in discussions with the Astor family. This resulted in an outcry and he then realized that this would now prohibit him from ever running for President of the United States.


He decided to put all his efforts behind his plans for his sons. He worked steadily in the background to get his son, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, into Government and on to the Presidential Election trail. He knew he had the wealth and the right connections to bring his plans to reality.


Rose Marie "Rosemary" Kennedy was the third child and eldest daughter of Joe and Rose. Rosemary was born with a mental disorder and she was described as "mentally retarded and erratic, being prone to mood swings." The doctors told Joe that a "prefrontal lobotomy" could cure the condition. Joe knew if left un-treated, she would become an embarrassment to his family and so at the age of 23, Rosemary was forced to have the experimental operation.


This is the account of the operation performed on Rosemary Kennedy:

“We went through the top of the head. I think she was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch.” The instrument Dr. Watts used, looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue. “We put an instrument inside,” he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman put questions to Rosemary. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord’s Prayer or sing “God Bless America” or count backwards….. “We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded.” ….. When she began to become incoherent, they stopped.

The operation went terribly wrong and left Rose Marie with a mental age of a 2 year old child and she was unable to walk or talk intelligibly. She was also incontinent.


On hearing the doctors prognosis, Joe Kennedy decided the best course of action was to place Rose Marie in an institution.  She was there until her death on the 7th January 2005, at age 86. Her name was never mentioned again in the family home.


Now originally Joe Sr had wanted his namesake and eldest son to become the President of the United States, but that died when his son died. However, he did not give up on his dream to have his sons in high political office and so he focussed on obtaining a political career for his second born son, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who would in later years become known as JFK.


Over the next few years Joe Kennedy used all his high powered connections to further his sons' political career. It had been said that Joe called in many favours to help his son on the road to the Whitehouse.


JFK's candidacy got the full backing and support from the newspaper magnate, William Randolph Hearst, who used his media empire to get JFK into power. In 1961, JFK was elected The President of the United States of America and although it was by a very slim margin, his  good looks and photogenic style made him the perfect face for the Presidency. However, it was not long after taking office that JFK began to realize he was nothing more than a glorified puppet. His 23 months in the Whitehouse are often just associated with the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement, but JFK had taken other actions which were not widely publicised which could shake the foundation of two major institutions. One being, The Federal Reserve and the second, the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.).





JFK was a President that defined an era. He was placed in office by his powerful father and his even more powerful friends, but JFK wanted to stand alone and not be the puppet of America's "Shadow Government." This was the hidden side of JFK's Presidency.


When JFK was assassinated, it marked the turning point in American politics and history. Up until then, the American public had been innocent and naive, but the bullets  that killed their president served to wake them up from the peaceful sleep that was post war, baby - boom of the 50's. The American public began to see major changes after  JFK's death.


JFK was charismatic with charming manners. These attributes were of course fully exploited by the media which turned him into a celebrity. During his time in office, he did try to bring major changes to his country. He went head to head with powerful organizations like the C.I.A, big oil companies and the Federal Reserve.


Before JFK became President, his team made sure they used every aspect of television to rally  major support throughout the country. In 1960, Richard Nixon and JFK were the participants of the first televised debate.


Polls taken after the debate showed that the radio listeners, who were unaware that Nixon was sweating and looking nervous, was their choice of a winner, but those who had watched the debate on their television set and saw the assured way that JFK conducted himself throughout the debate, full of confidence, said that he was the winner.


It has been said that the debate was a deciding factor for JFK winning the election and becoming the President. JFK's  inauguration speech is considered to be the best speech in  American History with the famous words of, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," live on television.


JFK and his wife Jackie soon became top celebrities rubbing shoulders movie stars and pop singers and of course those that were given the name of "The Rat Pack," which were rumoured to have connections to the mafia's organised crime lords. The family appeared in magazines and they became the poster family of what the American family should be like. Jackie's clothing had the fashion houses in a frenzy as the American women wanted to model themselves on the "First Lady."


It was rumored that the ideal marriage was not as ideal as everyone believed. JFK  was said to have had many affairs with a string of beautiful women. The most prominent of these was none other than Marilyn Monroe. He was also linked to a more darker and sinister part of the "underworld" of Hollywood.


During the 1960s, Hollywood became drawn to sexual exploitation, and dark occultism. The main celebrity figures in this elite group were Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr, Dean Martin and Joey Bishop. Fritz Springmeier claimed that these actors were in fact "MK-Ultra (mind control) Slave Handlers" linked with Anton Lavey's Church of Satan.


Many of  the movie and T.V. shows use what is called "Monarch Slaves" as bit parts or film extra actors. One famous comedy film star, Bob Hope, was said to have his slaves handled by Frank Sinatra and he handled Bob Hopes slaves when he lent them to the "Rat Pack." Frank Sinatra spent time with the Rothschild's and the Rockefellers. The illuminati formula to create a Mind Control slave.


FBI files tells of "Sex Parties" that were attended by both John F Kennedy and his brother Bobby, with Sammy Davis Jr, and Frank Sinatra. Also present was Marilyn Monroe, described as ("A Beta Programming Slave").


As previously mentioned, JFK had a string of high profile women. One as we know was Marilyn Monroe, the other was Jane Mansfield, but they had more than just affairs with JFK in common. They were both members of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan and in fact Jane Mansfield was a "High Priestess" of  that Church.


Both Mansfield and Monroe died young, 34 and 36 respectively.  Monroe in an "Overdose" and Mansfield in a "Car Crash" both have been described through the years and by many as "Odd Circumstances".


All the distractions and partying did not stop JFK from doing his job and being a "Dedicated" President. He dealt with several major issues including the rise of Civil Rights and the Cold war.  Although he knows that it was not him who was in charge in Washington and that an elite board who really controlled the country. That did not stop him from clashing with the CIA, the Federal Reserve and the big oil companies. He is even said to have clashed with the Military-Industrial Complex.


After JFK was assassinated almost all of the policies adopted that went against these groups were quickly reversed.


In 1913, the federal Reserve system was created to be the central banking system of America and despite its Governmental name, it was not federally or governmentally created by an act of Congress. The Federal Reserve is actually completely independent from the government. It is essentially a private organization managed by 12 credit monopolies that are owned by the most powerful banking families of the world.


No one knows for sure whether JFK was going against the Federal Reserve, however it has been said that 5 months before the assassination, JFK signed Executive Order number 11110 which would allow the government to issue interest-free money by  bypassing the Federal Reserve System.


On the 4th of June 1963, JFK signed another Executive Order. This one numbered 11,110. This order called for the insurance of $4,292,893,815 in USA Notes through the U.S Treasury, rather than the Federal Reserve System. That same day, JFK also signed a Bill changing the backing of the one and two dollar bills from silver to gold which strengthened the U.S. currency.


A number of "Kennedy's Bills" were printed and issued but these were very quickly withdrawn from circulation after JFK's death. Although the Executive order number 11,110 remains in effect today, all successive administrations starting with Lyndon Johnson have simply chose to ignore it and have returned to the Federal Reserve System.


This is a copy of the Executive order made on the 4th of June 1963.


SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 9, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended (a) By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j):

‘(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12, 1933, as amended (31 U.S.C. 821(b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of an outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption,’ and (b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof.

SECTION 2. The amendments made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.

John F. Kennedy,
June 4, 1963.


JFK had wanted the troops to pull out of the Vietnam war after his re-election in 1964, but the then Defence Secretary McNamara and Vice- President Lyndon Johnson were both against his plans.


About a month before his assassination, JFK signed the National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 263, ordering the withdrawal of 1,000 military personnel from Vietnam by the end of the year. However on November 26, 1963, only 4 days after JFK's death, Lyndon Johnson passed NSAM 273 which reversed the withdrawal of the troops.


Since 1926 the oil companies have enjoyed large tax concessions, one of which was the "Oil Depletion Allowance" which had allowed them to keep 27.5% of their revenue, tax-free.


However in 1963, JFK proposed removing the "Oil Depletion" allowance which was the main tax incentive for the oil companies. It was estimated if this went through, it would cost the Texas Oilmen over $300 million in profits each year. JFK also passed the "Kennedy Act" which was a piece of legislation that pinched the oil companies even more and would have led them to give up 15% of their profits on foreign investments.


Once again, after JFK's death, Lyndon Johnson abandoned these plans as he was very close to the Texas oil companies.


50 years after the assassination, the official story and theory is that a lone gunman shot and killed JFK that day in Dallas, but is that the true story?


In the decades that followed, it is believed that the dreaded "Kennedy Curse" continued to effect the most prominent members of the Kennedy Family.





John F. Kennedy's Presidency, although it was short, was filled with confrontations with powerful groups. These included the C.I.A., Federal Reserve and the big oil companies. It appears that Kennedy wanted to bring power back to the elected Government, taking it out of the hands of the "Elite" who were acting as a "Hidden Government" in the Country.


The Kennedy Family were an American Dynasty, with a growing wealth and power. They also had the popular support of the Country, which could have kept them in Power in Washington for a very long time.


There is however a long list of mysterious deaths and strange events that impeded the Kennedy's reign in America. The "Infamous KENNEDY CURSE," on what was called the American Royal Family, includes many strange accidents and mysterious assassinations, but the most famous of them all is the JFK assassination in Dallas.


President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was shot to death in Dallas, Texas at 12:30pm on Friday 22 November 1963. He was shot 3 times, 1 bullet went into his throat the next bullet went into his upper back and the third bullet went into his head.


At the time, Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald who worked at the Texas School Book Repository, where the shots were said to have come from an open window of the building. Mr. Oswald was then arrested and charged with the murder of the President, Oswald  denied he had shot anyone and claimed he was just a "Patsy".


After the death of JFK, The Warren Commission was set up by Lyndon B Johnson who succeeded Kennedy to become President of the United States. The objective of the Warren Commission was to fully investigate the Assassination of the President.


It is important to note that while JFK was in office, Lyndon B. Johnson had continually opposed many of the key policies that JFK proposed and as soon as he took office he reversed many of those policies.


One of the main figures of the Warren Commission was a man called Allen Dulles, an ex-C.I.A. Chief who had been dismissed from his job by JFK. The actual credibility and conclusions reached by the Warren Commission are still highly contested today.


The Commission concluded their investigation and announced that Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who shot JFK and that he was a LONE gunman who had psychological issues, and he was also a communist.

"It is apparent that Oswald was moved by an overriding hostility to his environment. He does not appear to have been able to establish or sustain a meaningful relationship with others. He also appears to have been discontented with the world around him. It was claimed that long before the assassination, Oswald had expressed his hatred for the American Society and acted in protest against it. Oswald's search for what he believed was the "Perfect Society" was doomed from the beginning. He wanted a place for himself in History and he wanted to be remembered as "A Great Man."


He was said to have been committed to Marxism and Communism and this was one of the important factors in his motivation. He had also demonstrated that he could act decisively, without any regard to the consequences of his actions if his actions were to further his aims. From these and several other factors which was thought to have moulded the character of the man, Lee Harvey Oswald, the conclusion was that he was a man who was capable of assassinating President Kennedy.


After the death of JFK, there were still members of the Kennedy Family who could keep the "American Royal Family" in power. The first in line was his Brother Robert F. Kennedy, not only did he have the name he also  had the vision, experience and momentum to become the President of the United States of America.


His dream to walk in the footsteps of his brother, JFK, was cut even shorter than that of his assassinated brother. Robert Kennedy lived in the shadow of his older brother, but was an important part of JFK's presidency. Robert Kennedy, known a "Bobby or RFK," was the 64th U.S. Attorney General. He was also the Presidents closest adviser and had authority over every cabinet department. He was dubbed, "Washington's 2nd Man" by the Associated Press.


It was a few years after his brother JFK's assassination that Bobby Kennedy  entered the race to become the Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party. The policies and themes promoted by Robert Kennedy were basically a continuation of his late brothers work. Robert stood on a platform that  promoted  racial and economic justice, Non-Aggression in Foreign Policy, Decentralization of Power and Social Improvement. He was very popular among the Black and Native American Communities. He often spoke of the "Disaffected" the impoverished and the excluded within the Country.


Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated on June 5th 1968, just like his brother before him, He had been shot 3 times by a Palestinian man named Sirhan Sirhan. Bobby Kennedy had just won the California primary, which would have secured his ticket to becoming a Presidential candidate. The killer, Sirhan Sirhan, is still behind bars. His last parole hearing, the 15th he has had so far, was heard on the 10th February 2016. He is now 73 years old and his next parole hearing will be in 2021, when Sirhan Sirhan will be 77 years old.


​Kennedy Family Tragedies

The Kennedy family has long been plagued by tragedy and controversy.



John F. Kennedy Jr.:
The only son of the slain president, his wife and sister-in-law were killed in a plane crash en route to his cousin Rory Kennedy's wedding in Martha's Vineyard.



Michael Kennedy:
The sixth child of the late Robert F. Kennedy, was killed Dec. 31 in a skiing accident at Aspen, Colo. He was 39. Earlier that year, he was accused of having an affair with his family's teenage babysitter.



William Kennedy Smith:
The nephew of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was acquitted Dec. 11 of raping a 30-year-old Jupiter, Fla., woman at the Kennedy estate in Palm Beach.



Patrick J. Kennedy:
The teenage son of Sen. Edward Kennedy, now a Democratic Congressman for Rhode Island, spent time in a drug rehabilitation clinic for a cocaine addiction.



David Kennedy:
The fourth child of Robert and Ethel Kennedy, died from a drug overdose Easter weekend in a Palm Beach hotel room. He was 28.



Edward Kennedy Jr.:
The son of Sen. Edward Kennedy lost his right leg due to bone cancer.

Joseph Kennedy:
The eldest son of Robert F. and Ethel Kennedy, was involved in a car accident that left a female passenger paralyzed for life. He was convicted of reckless driving and fined $100.



Edward M. Kennedy:
The Massachusetts Senator and brother of President John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, drove a car off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts on July 18th. Aide Mary Jo Kopechne was found dead later in the submerged vehicle.



Robert F. Kennedy:
The brother of President Kennedy and Sen. Edward Kennedy, was shot and killed June 5th in Los Angeles after winning the California Democratic Presidential Primary. He was 42.



John F. Kennedy:
The son of Joseph and Rose Kennedy and the 35th President, was assassinated in Dallas on Nov. 22nd. He was 46.


Patrick Bouvier Kennedy:
The son of President Kennedy, was born prematurely and died three months before his father's assassination.



Kathleen Kennedy:
The daughter of Joseph and Rose Kennedy, died in plane crash in 1948. She was 28.



Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.:
The eldest son of Joseph Kennedy, the family's patriarch, and his wife, Rose, his plane went down over the English Channel during World War II. He was 29.



Rosemary Kennedy:
The daughter of Joseph and Rose Kennedy, was institutionalized because of retardation and a failed lobotomy.


Well what do you think was the most notable family in America just unlucky or did the Gypsy curse so long ago back in Ireland  haunt the family to their graves????

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