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how to and other useful info

Grand Tanks can be played using:


  1. Your own Face Book account.

  2. Face Book Game Room. (Download required)

  3. Microsoft store (Download Required)

  4. Google Play (Download Required)

  5. Steam (Download Required)


Once you have downloaded your game or opened it in your face book accout you will be asked to choose a server: Once your server is chosen you will need to register your account so First choose a good game Name for yourself.


Then follow the in game instructions once you have played your first game you will be asked to link the game to your face book account, your profile picture on your face book account will also be the profile picture for your game profile.


Now that all done you can enjoy your game but you may like to set your settings .


To do this follow the instructions below:

saving your details 1.JPG
  1. click the cog wheel at the top left hand side of your screen.


The first choice you see is that of Main Settings. Here you can set the following:


  • Your game name or change your existing name for 50 gold.

  • The language in which the game is presented.

  • Choose your server.

  • Link your game account to your face book account.


You will also find your game I.D. number now it is always a good idea to take note of you I.D. number and keep it in a safe place because you will need to know it if you have to write to either the Administration or the Support team.


You may also access you account information from this  page.

game settings.JPG

please note: the choices made in this picture are of the player of the picture used.



The next section is GAME SETTINGS : Here you can set the volume for the inboard music or turn it off completely.

You can also set up your game pad on this page too.






You can whether you see notifications regarding:


  • Your fuel level.

  • Information about your tank upgrade.

  • Daily bonuses.

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Here is where you can set your level of graphics reception.


  • Medium.

  • Normal.

  • High.

  • Ultra.


The level depends on what system you use and whether you play on Mobile phone, Tablet, Laptop or Desktop.

Now you have everything done and ready to take your tank out onto the battle field, well you have 3 to choose from. But wait there is one more little question to ask your self!


VIP or not VIP that is the question:


Well let me show you the difference having VIP can make for you.

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Once your game is over you are presented with 2 screens.

Screen 1 shows you your final “Game score”.

Screen 2 shows you what you will actually get without VIP and with VIP.

So there are significant benefits from having VIP not just getting extra points but with VIP you can re-spawn  back into the game when you have been killed for free without VIP it will cost you 1 gold.


What else can you purchase to enhance your game?


  1. Health Kits that prolong your life in battle.

  2. Mines to blow up the enemy.

  3. Speed which gives your tank a little speed boost (Great for when playing on the hill)

  4. Camo there are some great designs to choose from offering variations and levels of damage and reload speed.

  5. Decal this offers you extra speed and armour.


As you go up the levels new tanks become available for you to buy some can be bought with the silver you have collected in the game while others can be purchased with gold.

Both Gold and silver are  available to purchase and look out for the time limited sales as there is some good bargains to be had on tanks , camo, decal, and VIP.


The Game tournament starts and ends at 20:00 Hrs (GMT) . The start of a new day in the game begins with  a daily reward, the first 4 days you receive a silver reward on the fifth day you will get a Gold reward.


Also at the start of the Games new day you will be given 3 quests to complete, now the reward for completing these quests  will depend on whether you have VIP or not.

Without VIP your reward is paid in silver  and on completion  you receive 3 gold.


With VIP your rewards are paid in gold and 10 gold is paid on completion of your quests.


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