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Hello And Welcome to Grand Tanks  this page of the magazine will give all the do’s don’ts and how to’s, Starting with the Rules. There are 2 sets of rules one is the “GAME” rules the other is the “CHAT” rules, Some Countries chat rooms have Moderators who are there to make sure that  there is no use of unacceptable  words IE Swearing or any abuse of any kind. So below you will find the Rules of the game followed by the chat rules. Now a Moderator can issue a penalty of a 5 day ban .


On the U.K  chat room the Moderators issue the follow to any player whose actions violate the rules.


1) A REMINDER to the player that they are in breech of the chat rules and ask that they refrain from continuing    what they are doing.


2) REPORT:   The Moderator will use the report option if the player continues to violate the rules.


3) WARNING: A warning is given when a player is close to receiving a penalty of 5days chat ban.


Now should a 5 day penalty be given you have the right if you feel that you should not have been banned to appeal to the games Administrators. (Details on how to contact the Administrators is given in our useful links section )


Starting a game or joining a group in a social network you agree with the rules of the game.


The game is not allowed


The distribution of materials, provocation or acts that offend the identity and dignity of players and employees of the company "Extreme Developers".

The distribution of materials, provocation or actions that create obstacles to the comfortable playing of other players or the work of the administration.

Insults in the chat. The veiled insults and words written by various symbols insulting the personality and dignity of the players, as well as employees of the company "Extreme Developers".

The incitement of inter-racial and inter-ethnic hostility. Discrimination on sexual, religious, sexual, physiological and other grounds.

Outreaching for drugs, alcohol and smoking.

Flood, spam, discussions to remove someone's bans (chat games).

Invalid NickName (name in the game that violates clause 1 - 1.4).

Links to other games or third-party resources.


Contractual battles (contractual battles - this is a dishonest earnings experience with a view to obtaining a reward).


Transfer the account to another person, and also try to enter and play under another's account.

Create multiple accounts with one player.


Using third-party programs and any kind of modifications giving an advantage in the game.


Hiding information from the administration, using bugs for personal gain and disclose information about bugs among players.


Hiding information about the violation of these rules by players is equated with aiding.


Doing conscious actions that caused a failure in the project.


In case of detection of bugs in the game or violations by other players, you should immediately contact the administration of the project.


Actions of the Administration

In case of violation of the rules, the administration reserves the right to block the player's account temporarily or permanently, without warning
Also, the administration has the right to take away game resources and equipment, earned not honestly


We draw your attention that the status of the player, his time in the game and the invested funds, do not exempt from punishment for violation of the rules.


Administration is not responsible:

for things lost as a result of bugs, errors, kickbacks and other cases in which the return of things is technically impossible.

- or the actions of Users.


If you do not agree with the actions or decisions of the Administration, you can compile the appeal and send it to us at the post office -


Complaints to moderators and players you can send to the official groups. Be sure to attach the screenshots of the chat.


What is prohibited in chat:


 1. Constant use of Caps Lock;


 2. Discussion of Moderator actions (express disapproval to player actions as Moderator, give advice about behaviour, demand to explain the reason for the ban);


3. Flood;


 4. Personal insults; the person who answers on offense, in the same manner, will be also punished (the excuse “I was provoked” doesn’t work);


5. Obscene words in the chat including those that were repeated in order to attract Moderator’s attention;


6. Incitement of ethnic, intersexual or any other hatred;


7. Improper nickname (offensive, including vulgar words, other player abuse etc.) Moderator will send this information to the Administrator and nickname will be changed at Administrator’s pleasure;


 8. Discussion of personal life not connected with the game (in case it distracts other players);


9. Appeal to complain on one certain player in order to ban him or her;


10. Write in country chat on other languages except for the language of this country or English language (as most spread international language) - It means that, for example, in German chat, you need to write in German or English languages;

When you reach level 6 in your game you will be able to join your Country’s chat room, where you can make new friends and get advice from older players of the game. As mentioned most chat rooms have 1 or more moderators and so it is asked that you follow the chat rules at all times.


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