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level 21 to 28

Now you have gained game experience and come up the level  there is very little you need to know, However there is one subject  which is a serious subject I feel I should draw your attention to and that is the matter of the use of “GAME CHEAT CODES”.


There are many cheat codes available to allow players to illegally enhance their game, and are available for many games  whether they be on the Internet or Xbox and Grand Tanks is nor exception.


These  cheat codes offer ways in which to increase your points, obtain free gold, silver, and life kits and generally any thing that can be purchase on the games.

Now the Extreme Developers  of Grand Tanks have made it perfectly clear that any player found guilty of using any cheat codes will be banned  from the game.


This ban may be a time limit ban or if the offence is committed again by the same player or team could result in a complete life ban.

Now ask yourself is it really worth the risk of losing everything as  if you are allowed to return to the game you start from the bottom again so all your  work and time and money you have spent to get up the level before using cheat codes will be lost.


If a team is found guilt of using  cheat codes then they run the risk of losing the team  and if the players of that former team are allowed to come back on the game they would have to  re-create the team and pay the team fee of 200 gold.

Just like solo players they would all need to start at level 1 in the game until they reach the appropriate level to join a team again.

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