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medium tank section levels 13 to 20

Congratulations you have now reached the Mid Tank Status,

Now you know what the game is all about lets see what tanks are on offer for you as you race ahead to level 20.


All the tanks listed in this section come with their upgrade tables along side them.

Remember collect all the silver your  competitors leave behind as this is needed for to get your tanks upgrades. Collecting any XP left behind will of course help you to storm up those levels.

Now the first thing we will take a look at are the tanks that are on offer and the upgrade chart for each one.


Next   we will tell you about teams how to join and how to create your own.


Next will be some handy information for you regarding what you can check if the game flees battle freezes etc. before contacting support , and what you can do to retrieve your account after a computer failure or  new equipment where you have had to install the game and then find your self as a newbie again.


The first featured tank for you in this section is the Sherman m4 Medium tank which will tell you the history of the Sherman and its stats.


We will also take a look at the British teams and show you which of them are recruiting and tell you how to join them.

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